Terms of payment and cancellation

Applicable to coaching, training and other educational activities of UNLOQ

1. Terms of payment

1.1. UNLOQ has two payment methods: lump sum payment and payment in installments by mandatory direct debit.

1.2 In the event of payment in one instalment, payment must be made within fourteen days of the invoice date. In the event of late payment, late payment interest will be due equal to the statutory interest rate, and extrajudicial collection costs will be payable up to an amount of 15% of the amount not paid on time.

1.3 The client who makes use of payment in instalments must make sure that UNLOQ is able to collect the amounts owed by direct debit.

1.4 If the payment term is exceeded, collection measures can be taken. All collection costs resulting from non-payment are for the account of the client concerned.

1.5 If UNLOQ is required to put in more effort than usual to execute the agreement (such as training activities to be developed on request), UNLOQ can demand payment (or similar security) before starting its activities

2. Cancellation/ rescission/ refund

2.1 The statutory cooling-off period of 10 business days applies to our training activities. Within this period the client can cancel a registration or contract free of charge.

2.2 When the agreement with UNLOQ is terminated (non-participation in an activity on the date that one has been placed, hereafter called “cancellation”), without a shortcoming attributable to UNLOQ, the following applies: cancellation must be done in writing (by e-mail)

a. Individual 1-on-1 activities

• Up to 48 hours before the start of an (online) activity, participation can be cancelled or postponed without any costs.
• If cancelled or postponed between 48 and up to 24 hours before the start of an (online) activity, 50% of the price is due.
• From 24 hours before the start of the (online) activity, the full fee is due, regardless of the reason for cancellation or postponement.

b. Group activities

• Up to 40 business days before the start of a group activity, participation can be cancelled or postponed without incurring any costs.
• When cancelling or postponing between 40 and 10 business days before the start of a group activity, 50% of the price is due.
• From 10 business days before the start of a group activity, the full fee is payable, regardless of the reason for cancellation or postponement.

2.3 If a programme developed by UNLOQ at the request of the client (in-company or not) is cancelled up to one month before the start, the actual costs made by UNLOQ (to be specified by UNLOQ) will be charged. If the programme is cancelled within one month before it is due to start, the first agreed upon term is charged in addition to the actual costs made by UNLOQ.

2.4 No refund is possible after the start of the training activity. If a client stops a programme activity, the fee to which the registration relates will remain due. A client may be substituted.

2.5 UNLOQ reserves the right to cancel a programme under unforeseen circumstances. In this case, UNLOQ will refund the fee paid by the client.

2.6 If, based on these conditions, UNLOQ decides to pay back the fee, it will transfer it to the client’s bank account within two weeks after this decision.

2.8 The clients are expected to follow a programme in good order. If, in the opinion of UNLOQ, the client hinders the good order and progress of a programme, UNLOQ can suspend the client and subsequently unilaterally terminate the agreement with the client in question. The client can object to such a decision in writing within 14 business days. There will be no refund of the fees.

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